Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Comfort Click Limited ("CCL or Company or Comfort Click") pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and comprises our slavery and human trafficking statement in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2024.

Our business and supply chains

Comfort Click is a pan-European leader in the vitamins, minerals and supplements sector, renowned for its innovative, ingredient-focussed products and standout brands. The Company sells health and wellness products across the UK, Europe and USA.

Comfort Click is a privately owned company operating with headquarters in the UK, and at June 2024, the group employed approximately 250 permanent staff. The Company has successfully developed a diverse portfolio of leading consumer brands, focussed on quality and value. We are a trusted partner for thousands of customers across the World to help achieve their wellness goals. Our impressive growth is a testament to the people and products the Company has, always putting customers first.

Governance and our Policies

Comfort Click recognises that human trafficking and modern slavery are a blight on global society. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls within our business and supply chains to continually challenge our ability to combat modern slavery. It is our aim to conduct all our business activity with the highest integrity, honesty, and trust.  

Our Modern Slavery Policy is approved by our management and ultimately the CEO, as head of the business, is responsible for this policy.

We also have a Whistleblowing Policy, provided to all employees in the Employee Handbook. If employees have concerns about any wrongdoing or breaches of law, they can raise these concerns in confidence without fear of disciplinary action.

What we are doing

Our working practices respect and uphold human rights for our employees and contractors. We have several policies in place, with ownership at the management level, that aim to protect employee welfare and basic human rights in our business and supply chains.

We take the following steps to identify risks of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and our supply chain:

  • We investigate and conduct diligence on our supply chains, policies, contracts, contractors etc.;
  • We continually audit and review our practices, including checking all employees are paid at least the minimum wage and have the right to work;
  • We encourage the reporting of any concerns and protect whistleblowers; and
  • We have zero tolerance to any identified concerns about slavery or human trafficking.

As part of our supplier due diligence, management have and will continue to visit facilities where the products are manufactured, and often in operation, to test and monitor the effectiveness of the steps above. 

What we are doing this year

As a growing business we are continuing to improve our processes and controls. As we gain greater insight into understanding the risks relating to modern slavery, we will adapt, enforce and amend the way we handle these ongoing risks. Specifically this year we will aim to implement the following to improve our visibility on modern slavery:

  • Include specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery in our contracting process, such as our Standard Terms of Purchase Order
  • Engage with external consultancies to gain further supply chain visibility around working conditions and environmental performance;
  • Enhance our training to include more detail around modern slavery and supplier due diligence.


This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Comfort Click Limited.
Nehal Patel
CEO, Comfort Click Limited